Wednesday, July 6, 2011


We'll call him, "Jack." The little fellow that has captured my daughter's attention.

With a mild-moderate speech delay, our little one is not a gal of many words. Short and sweet is best, in her books :). However, even after a morning at preschool, I never fail to ask her how her day was, what things she took interest in, what the kids were doing.

You'll never know what'll come out, some day!

One particular lunch time, after a morning at preschool, I was trying to encourage her to say, "I love you." Three simple words. For those who are familiar with language delays and challenges, three words in a row is a lot! However, these particular three are delightful and encouraging, and when we hear them it'll be music to my ears!

Anyway, I was encouraging her to repeat after me.
"I. Love. You."
Smile. "Jack."
Jack!? JACK!!? Yes, I've heard this name before. He's a sweet-hearted little fellow who likes to play cars (the one-on-one worker has informed me). He's gentle and inclusive and was delighted one morning when he heard our sweet little girl say his name.
"Do you love Jack?" I ask, in a sing-song kinda voice!
"Mine." More smiles.
"Is Jack your friend?" The grin she gave was enormous. Friendship, in all it's shapes and sorts, is a beautiful thing. My heart soared.

Often often often, we pray for the friendships our children will have. Special people to enjoy life with, to swap secrets and stories, to have fun (but stay outta trouble!!!). However, for our Sweet K, I also ask that there is always someone in her corner who is willing to take life at her pace. A little slower, a little sweeter. It has blessed me time and again to see God honor that request. I know that there will likely be struggles ahead, but so far, she has always had someone who was willing to play at a level that she is comfortable with.

Evidently, Jack is one of those fine folks!! So he has a special place in our hearts, indeed!!

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